where the water tastes like wine

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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december 1
mossdeep city
5'3" (160 cm) height
5'3" (160 cm) height
these celestial bodies are made of violent ends
20 posts
rainy huynh DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @rainy
rainy huynh
where the water tastes like wine
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2024 0:23:12 GMT
rainy huynh Avatar
well, isn't he just adorable?

his avatar switches pose to pose, arms and hands flowing into their natural positions. and, uh. other things bounce. he's evaluating the physics of the game if anyone's to ask. it'd been something of a mistake to have pushed the character sliders to their absolute maximum when he'd been creating DIONISIA, the loveliest pink-haired dragon lady this side of the map.

a little too much of everything everywhere, but at least the glams look good.

the fashion in this game never really looked good for the male models and forget about talking about those flat fuckers that didn't want to be objectified or whatever. half the joy of being an online character was being objectified, but saying as much doesn't really make him palatable. that, and—rumors, of course, that he's been anything less than gracious to new and departing members of the game.

his model straightens up again with another cheerful kick of the back leg as he idles around in someone else's guild hall, looking about as conspicuous as anything.

not that one.

not that one.

mm, that's beginner gear, but a custom hairstyle.

potential there, but he's looking more for someone to carry him: ah. maybe that one. all shiny and nice.

he'd do.

skipping up alongside the veritable stranger, rainy taps out a quick message in greeting. not too strong, unless he gives the impression that he'd be into that kind of thing: HIIIII. ♡ are you lking for a party? heehee! ive been trying to get someone to go with me to the new raid dunj but no one will help me! ): isnt that so saddddd?

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played by


May 14
Slateport City
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3 posts
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TAG WITH @casper
casper linton
where the water tastes like wine
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2024 3:26:11 GMT
casper linton Avatar
Casper cracks his knuckles, finding himself in a good mood as he watches the overtly pink and vivacious avatar on his screen approach his own, the way a cat watches a mouse. His own avatar, perfectly crafted bait to attract this kind of attention, is a sleek and shadowy rogue named "ShadowBlade99."

He laughs softly into his knuckles at the message he receives from her. This had to be the person he'd been on the lookout for. He'd been watching her activity for a while and honestly, did people really fall for this? Enjoying himself far too much, Casper may have included one too many emojis in response.

ShadowBlade99: HIIIII Dionisia! ♡ A party for the new raid dungeon?! That sounds like a blast! 😄😄😄 It's such a shame no one has helped you yet, but maybe it’s fate that brought us together. 😉😏 I’m a bit of a raid expert myself.

I’ve actually been experimenting with some advanced strategies. What’s your usual approach? Do you prefer going all-out offense, or do you like to hang back and support? I’d love to hear your tips.

Casper had to remind himself to relax, the real fun was yet to come.



it's a long life full of long nights

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